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Ingrid Asensio Ramos

Catalan Food Business Forum

The III Catalan Food Forum was held in Barcelona, ​​the major commercial and knowledge event for the Catalan agri-food sector organized by Prodeca. The event this year had as its thematic axis the value of internationalization and, through the vision of more than 20 international experts, offered the business keys to grow by transforming volume into value in markets as relevant as Latin America, the United Kingdom, Asia, Africa or the United States. The event also saw over 250 companies and social and economic agents in the sector participate in the most important professional meeting point held in Catalonia to discuss promotion and marketing issues.

Each block was moderated by representatives of various entities that work together with Prodeca in the internationalization of Catalan companies.

This year, Africa had strong representation, particularly from Ghana, Nigeria, and Zambia. The Africa roundtable discussion was centered on the theme "The Common Market of Africa: Opportunities for Catalan Companies" and was expertly moderated by Ingrid Asensio Ramos. Through these roundtables and presentations, attendees were able to assess the challenges, opportunities and possibilities offered by these markets

On the second day of the forum, a trade fair took place where participants were able to establish connections and network with representatives from all around the world. This event held significant importance for the African market, as it dismantled barriers and brought forth opportunities for African markets.

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